Until recently, the benchmark for steam trap maintenance has been to perform annual surveys, perhaps complemented by quarterly “PMs” or informal inspections. With the introduction of 2.4 MHz wireless mesh protocols into the process control space featuring WirelessHART ™ and ISA 100.11A, Armstrong has developed a way to take the survey benchmark to a new level. The new AIM (Armstrong Intelligent Monitoring) WirelessHART ™ monitoring system provides immediate and positive failure notification. When a survey is performed, it is based on a snapshot of the steam system at one point in time. The steam leaks found on a survey must be factored by the time of discovery and by the time of repair. At the time of the survey, a certain number of steam traps may fail the day before the survey, and a certain number may fail the day after leaving the median time of discovery at 6 months. Once discovered, how long does it take to write the work order, order the equipment, and finally install it, especially if the failed trap is not critical to the process? Fill in your own number there. Unlike other recently introduced wireless monitoring systems used for steam trap monitoring, the Armstrong ST5700 is able to average and interpret the acoustic signals from the steam trap providing accurate status determination and it can be operated on the plant’s control system for further functionality such as alarming and work order generation. Installation is simple and does not require piping modifications or electric power.
Contact Mead O’Brien using the form below if you want to learn more about AIM and enjoy the benefits!